There are so many new releasesandbacklist novels that I’m looking forward to reading this year! Here I’m sharing the 24 books I’ll be marking as “high priority” on my 2024 reading list.
At the end of each year, I begin to feel a little spark of excitement ignite beneath my skin as I start thinking about the books I’m going to pick up in the following year. When you read as voraciously as I do, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to ponder the number of books that are going to be released or the books that have been out for years that you haven’t had the chance to read yet. Sometimes I really do hope that ghost-Stephanie of the future has the ability to haunt a library so she can read all the books that weren’t picked up during my lifetime. Does anyone else feel similarly?
In 2021, I started a tradition for myself where I set a priority TBR (to be read) list with the number of books that “match” the year. This looked like 21 books in 2021, 22 books in 2022, and 23 books in 2023. Naturally, that meant that at the end of December, I began drafting my priority list of 24 books to read in 2024. These include a combination of new releases that I’m highly anticipating as well as backlist books that I’ve been meaning to read for ages and just haven’t picked up yet. Looking at my 2024 reading list is already bringing me so much joy. I can’t wait to get started!
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24 Books I’m Prioritizing From My 2024 Reading List
You can find each book from my 2024 priority reading list below. If you’re interested in more bookish content, followmyStoryGraphaccountfor live reviews, and take a look atmy bookstagram– where I share aesthetic coffee and book photos!

Akarnae (The Medoran Chronicles #1)
by Lynette Noni
Why I Want to Read This
After reading The Prison Healer trilogy, I knew I wanted to pick up everything by Lynette Noni. I’ve heard excellent things about this series and I’m so excited to dive into it soon.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Barnes & Noble

Before the Coffee Gets Cold (Before the Coffee Gets Cold #1)
by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Why I Want to Read This
I’m a huge fan of magical realism, so the first time I heard about this book, I knew I had to read it. I’ve been putting it off for far too long, but this is the year. I’m prioritizing it. It’s happening.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Betting On You (Betting On You #1)
by Lynn Painter
Why I Want to Read This
In 2023, I read several of Lynn’s adult romances and really loved the writing style and cute stories. I received a finished copy of this one right after it was released and it’s been taunting me from my bookshelf ever since!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Business Casual (Lovelight Farms #4)
by B.K. Borison
Why I Want to Read This
I have absolutely adored this series (and even reread Lovelight Farms around Christmas), so I’ve been counting down the days until Business Casual is out in the world. I can’t wait for Nova and Charlie’s story.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Christa Comes Out of Her Shell
by Abbi Waxman
Why I Want to Read This
Abbi Waxman always seems to heal my soul a little bit with her books. I’ve been anxiously awaiting a new title from her and when she announced this one, I was probably way more excited than would be considered normal. But it sounds so good!!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Down Comes the Night
by Allison Saft
Why I Want to Read This
For the last few years, I’ve been hearing incredible things about this author’s books. I received a copy of this updated cover paperback and knew this would be the year I’d prioritize reading it!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Eragon (Eragon #1)
by Christopher Paolini
Why I Want to Read This
I know, I know, I can’t believe I’ve never read this either. Somehow it was one I missed while growing up. I suppose it’s better late than never, right?
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Funny Story
by Emily Henry
Why I Want to Read This
Hello, most anticipated read of the entire year. Emily Henry has never let me down. Never. Not once. I have all the faith in the world that this is going to be one of my favorite romances in 2024 and I can’t freaking wait to dive into it.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1)
by Natasha Ngan
Why I Want to Read This
If you were to go on my StoryGraph and search my TBR, you’d find that this is the first book I ever added to the list. Not entirely sure how that’s possible, but that’s what it says, which means it must’ve been the first I ever added to Goodreads years ago, before I made the switch. Anyway, I think it’s about dang time that I read it, don’t you?
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Here We Go Again
by Alison Cochrun
Why I Want to Read This
I adore Alison’s books with my whole heart (and at the time I’m writing this post, I have just completed my reread of The Charm Offensive). I have a feeling this is going to be yet another favorite!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Just for the Summer
by Abby Jimenez
Why I Want to Read This
Abby’s books tend to make me sob my eyes out while simultaneously feeling incredibly seen. I’ve worked extra hard to not read the synopsis for this one in full because I want to be mostly surprised by the content and allow it to speak straight to my soul.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Red Rising (Red Rising Saga #1)
by Pierce Brown
Why I Want to Read This
This is another series that I somehow missed during the height of its hype. The time has come to dive in and see if it lives up to all the praise I’ve seen it receive on bookstagram!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Savor It
by Tarah DeWitt
Why I Want to Read This
Hello, spicy fake dating romance, I am so ready for you. Tarah’s Funny Feelings was one of my favorite romances of 2023 and I just have this inkling I’m going to fall in love with Sage and Fisher. A few of my most trusted bookstagram friends have read ARCs and loved it, so I’ve got high hopes!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Song of Silver, Flame Like Night (Song of the Last Kingdom #1)
by Amélie Wen Zhao
Why I Want to Read This
Okay, call me crazy, but the cover was definitely what first drew me to this book. Now, I’m not a cover buyer–I buy books I’ve read already and want to read again–but the publisher sent me a copy, so it was definitely meant to be!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Spells for Forgetting
by Adrienne Young
Why I Want to Read This
One of my absolute favorite books of 2023 was The Unmaking of June Farrow, which led me to immediately add all of Adrienne’s books to my TBR. I hope to read this one around October, for spooky season!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

The Break-Up Pact
by Emma Lord
Why I Want to Read This
Emma has been my favorite contemporary YA author since the first time I read Tweet Cute and now she’s releasing her first adult romance! I can’t even begin to express how excited I am about this book. Fake dating friends-to-lovers? YES, PLEASE. I’m counting down the days until this is in my hands.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

The Familiar
by Leigh Bardugo
Why I Want to Read This
Two words. You ready? Okay: Leigh Bardugo. Yep, that’s really all it takes for me to want to read this book. Leigh constantly blows me away with her novels. This one looks eerie and incredible and so unlike anything else she’s written. I can’t wait.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

The Grandest Game (The Inheritance Games #5)
by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Why I Want to Read This
The Brothers Hawthorne left me on the edge of my seat, so July really can’t come soon enough. This series has easily become one of my favorites. It’s mysterious and creative and so much fun. Plus, each book has the most gorgeous cover ever!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

The Rule Book (The Cheat Sheet #2)
by Sarah Adams
Why I Want to Read This
I really enjoyed reading The Cheat Sheet and I was so excited when Sarah announced this sequel. It’s going to be her first open-door romance and I have a feeling it’s going to be toe-curlingly spectacular.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath & the Dawn #1)
by Renée Ahdieh
Why I Want to Read This
My go-to buddy-reading partner has been recommending this book to me for a couple of years now, so I’m prioritizing it in 2024! She’s read several of my favorites so it’s definitely past time for me to read hers!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Unseelie (The Unseelie Duology #1)
by Ivelisse Housman
Why I Want to Read This
Ivelisse is a local author and at the end of 2023, when I attended a book launch for Emily Thiede’s This Cursed Light, I had the opportunity to also meet Ivelisse and purchase a signed copy of Unseelie. After hearing her talk about it during the event, I knew I needed to read it. It sounds amazing!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

by Margaret Rogerson
Why I Want to Read This
So far, I have yet to be disappointed by a single thing Margaret Rogerson has written. I added this to my TBR after enjoying Sorcery of Thorns a few years back, but have yet to actually pick it up. Now I’m definitely going to make it happen ASAP.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

What the River Knows (Secrets of the Nile #1)
by Isabel Ibañez
Why I Want to Read This
The synopsis says “The Mummy meets Death on the Nile” so there’s really not much more I need to say. That sounds incredible. I must read it. It’s happening. I can’t wait!
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble

Wisteria (Belladonna #3)
by Adalyn Grace
Why I Want to Read This
Belladonna was my favorite book of 2022, Foxglove made it into my 23 favorites of 2023, so I have this feeling I’m going to fall in love with Wisteria, especially knowing that it’ll follow Blythe! I’m not ready for the series to end, but I’m also looking forward to knowing how Adalyn will conclude the story.
Buy the book: Amazon | Blackwell’s | Bookshop | Waterstones | Libro.fm | Barnes & Noble
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